Liquid Flow 9.2 Downloadrainbowlasopa

Essential idea: Structure and function are correlated in the phloem of plants.

The lower power scanning electron micrograph images above show the sieve end plates found on phloem sieve tubes. These perforated walls (in combination with the reduced cytoplasm in sieve cells) gives sieve cells a low resistance to the flow of sap enabling efficient translocation of substances, e.g. sucrose throughout the plant.

Understandings, applications and skills

  • Fluid flow is classified as externaland internal, depending on whether the fluid is forced to flow over a surface or in a conduit. Internal and external flows exhibit very different characteristics. In this chapter we consider inter-nal flowwhere the conduit is completely filled with the fluid, and flow is driven primarily by a pressure difference.
  • This is a video of the path the water takes to cool a outboard engine. A lot of outboard engine run hot. I hope this will show what to look for to fix the pr.

The tendency of water to flow across a semipermeable membrane from the area of low solute concentration to the area of higher concentration is termed. Osmotic pressure Like vasopressinconstricts the blood vessels, compensating for the drop in blood pressure. If a treatment plant had a daily flow of 900,000 gallons per day and it needed to be dosed with 8mg/L of gas chlorine, how many pounds of chlorine would this take? Chlorination –box 13 2. If a treatment plant had a daily flow of 900,000 gallons per day and it needed to be dosed with 8mg/L of gas chlorine, how many pounds of. Meters) of water. (c) Measurement Reference All readings shall be referenced to the centerline of pump on horizontal pumps, and to the entrance eye or screen of the inlet on vertically configured units. Flow Rate: Flow rate will be measured in U.S. Gallons per hour or per minute or liters per hour or per minute. Static Sphere Size Test.

9.2.U1 Plants transport organic compounds from sources to sinks.
9.2.U2 Incompressibility of water allows transport along hydrostatic pressure gradients.
9.2.U3 Active transport is used to load organic compounds into phloem sieve tubes at the source.
9.2.U4 High concentrations of solutes in the phloem at the source lead to water uptake by osmosis.
9.2.U5 Raised hydrostatic pressure causes the contents of the phloem to flow towards sinks.
9.2.A1 Structure–function relationships of phloem sieve tubes.
9.2.S1 Identification of xylem and phloem in microscope images of stem and root.
9.2.S2 Analysis of data from experiments measuring phloem transport rates using aphid stylets and radioactively-labelled carbon dioxide.
[Text in square brackets indicates guidance notes]

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Liquid Flow 9.2 Downloadrainbowlasopa Error

Developments in scientific research follow improvements in apparatus—experimental methods for measuring phloem transport rates using aphid stylets and radioactively-labelled carbon dioxide were only possible when radioisotopes became available. (1.8)